My Frigid Taskbar

    Date: 10/25/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I have a strange problem. When I decided to change the location of my taskbar the other day, little did I know that it would be the last time. For when it left my cursor and fell to the side of my screen, it literally frosted itself there, like moist tongue on dry ice. I clicked and dragged it. Everyday for the past few weeks I have spent a few minutes worrying over my blue taskbar, clicking at it, sometimes gently trying to talk it out of its state, but it just won't listen to pillowtalk. Or reasoning. If I knew it would help, I would burn incense and spin prayer wheels as an offering to computer gods to make my taskbar pay more attention to me. But there is no sign of that they hear my clicks because the cursor doesn't even change into the little rectangle as it used to do before.

    So I'm despondent.

    Don't know what to do. Why, taskbar, why?


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