someone set me up the bomb

    Date: 10/26/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: asp, spyware

    i'm in the process of removing a trojan that was on my computer and all of my shortcuts have been replaced with 52k clones in a \data\resources\ folder

    for example winamp's shortcut instead of going to c:\program files\winamp\winamp.exe goes to c:\program files\winamp\data\resources\winamp.exe

    is there an easy way to fix all the shortcuts on my system automatically? rather than having to go through the startmenu/quick launch manually removing the /data/resources/ links?

    thank you

    and if you're really hardcore and want to fix me with the spyware, i've posted a combofix and a hijackthis log here:

    thanks muchly!


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