Computer professionals

    Date: 10/31/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hello fellow computer geeksters,

    As a fulltime computer professional, I have various issues and questions that tend to go a bit beyond what we normally find in the current LJ communities. So far I've been able to find an LJ community that is geared towards professionals - so I've created one. (Please tell me if you know of any currently existing). '[info]'computerpros is dedicated strictly to computer professionals, those of us who work in IT for a living. I hope for it to become a place where we can talk shop about servers, protocols, ethics, management... Things beyond "my computer won't turn on" and "Windows sucks, Macs are purdy!".

    So if a computer professional describes you, head on over to '[info]'computerpros. Join today, don't delay!

    x-posted to '[info]'computer_help, '[info]'computerhelp, '[info]'hardware, '[info]'compgeekz and '[info]'computergeeks


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