Need PHP/MySql/Joomla coder

    Date: 11/03/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: php, mysql, html, sql, web

    I'm working on a Joomla web site project that will be getting national attention over the next two years (it is election-related, with a "test run" for the 2007 election, but the real fun will happen in 2008). I need to find a coder who can help create a Joomla component and module. We have designers for the layout, this is just the backend MySql coding and the front-end component/module code as well as HTML form code for interaction.

    As such, I need someone who can hit the ground running with MySql, PHP and understands or can quickly come up to speed with the coding model of Joomla.

    If this is you and you'd be interested in working on a high-profile project that will get much national attention, a load of traffic, likely become a reasonably well-known meme, and also actually make some small difference in the screwed-up political process we have here in the United States, please let me know.


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