Trillian/Internet problems

    Date: 11/11/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Okay, for the past I want to say week, I've been having this problem with Trillian running on my computer. I run Trillian Pro 3.1. Since Tuesday/Wednesday, if I clicked to sign on Trillian, and Trillian loads, I would have no internet in my house. I'd check my router and the status would be 'Connecting'. I couldn't ping any sites in the command prompt. The thing is, it wouldn't do it to just my computer, all the computers in the house would lose connection to the internet.

    The only way I'd get it back is if I restarted my computer and not start up Trillian.exe at all.

    I've been using Trillian on this computer for two years, and this is the first time I've gotten this problem. I didn't know what the cause was, as I reinstalled it three times the other day, and still no success.

    I reformatted my computer, thinking that it would take care of whatever was wrong. I installed Trillian back up yesterday and it worked perfectly. I was able to sign on, sign off, restart my computer, start Trillian back up and still have the internet throughout the house.

    Today comes and I sign on Trillian and the internet is gone.

    I pretty much reformatted my computer for nothing. :/ Any ideas as to what could be the problem?


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