Code 42 - Lost Harddrive

    Date: 11/28/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    So, my boyfriend and I just got a new computer, and he put his server drive (where he keeps all his stuff, of course) in the new computer. After it was put in the new computer (it's an internal drive), it was working fine. He tried to change the drive letter, and after he restarted the computer, he can no longer open it. He has tried changing the drive letter back, and he put it in my computer. Neither worked. Is there something we can do to get all the stuff back, or is it simply lost?

    Thanks for any and all help (unless you say he should have backed the stuff up. Then I shall have to stick my tongue out at you. :) )

    cross-posted to '[info]'ubergeeks


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