Instructions for overclocking

    Date: 12/05/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Some instructions from this Foxconn review gives a general idea of how overclocking a mainboard works:

    Note that you would need to get a motherboard that allows adjustment of both bus as well as memory speeds.

    The memory used would still be PC2-6400, but when overclocking, they are clocked down on the memory setting and then clocked back up on the bus setting to avoid getting the speed stuck on the way up. Clever, huhn?

    Beginners Guides: Overclocking the CPU, Motherboard and Memory

    Beginners Guides: Overclocking the Videocard

    Because of the heat throttling on the newer graphics cards making things less dangerous to deal with, you just have to worry about keeping those things cool. Not having it cool just means you won't get any results if it doesn't work, and shortening its life if it does.


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