What is a good virtual disk compress software for Windows XP?

    Date: 12/07/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software

    It must meet the following requirements:
    1. Good compression. This means something that's not archaic like what NTFS uses (LZ77).
    2. Good speed. Some decrease in speed compared to normal drive is acceptable, but not a lot.
    3. Compression of an entire FS (A) or a directory (B). If (B), then #4 doesn't apply.
    4. Virtual drive: a file containing the compressed FS which can be mounted as a normal drive (like FreeBSD vnode); OR
    virtual drive software that can mount a file containing an arbitrary FS for reading and writing (i.e. not a CD/DVD).

    In other words, I basically just want automatic compression of either a directory or file system, done transparently to the programs accessing the files and at a reasonable speed.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1008151.html

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