Looking for Online Collaboration Tools

    Date: 12/14/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: database, web, google

    I run a photo studio. All artists in residence in the studio are working on the same project this year. We have almost a hundred models in our book, and need to find a way to share a calendar so that we can all put down when we're available, not available, have shoots scheduled, and the like. We also need to have an online database for all of our models where we can all see the models' information, write notes, share images, and the like.

    In short, we need an online collaboration system.

    We've looked at Google Web Apps, and that has nice shared email and a decent calendar, but nothing even close to a shared online database for our models.

    Anyone have any suggestions? Free or pay, either is fine. I'm perfectly cool paying for something that works.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1010676.html

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