wefeelfine screensaver?

    Date: 12/29/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: programming, html, java, web

    i am in love with www.wefeelfine.org, and ever since i fell in love with it i've thought it would make a spectacular screensaver, but i can't seem to figure out a feasible way to do so

    there are several programs that allow you to use a website as a screensaver but the problem is that once the site is loaded java says something along the lines of "please click on this applet to focus" - which means that nothing displays and the purpose is defeated

    does anybody have any ideas of how to get around this? or how i could get some sort of wefeelfine.org screensaver?

    the author wishes for the same thing:

    Unfortunately, the "please click here to focus" is a property of a java applet and not something we programmed in.
    Sorry about that!

    On 12/29/06, Jamie Martin wrote:
    Thanks for your quick response!

    Is there a way for the code to be modified to remove the "please click
    here to focus" part? To where it just automatically goes into the

    You have wefeelfine_pc.html and I assume wefeelfine_mac.html, it could be
    wefeelfine_noclick.html or something like that?

    On Thu, 28 Dec 2006 19:19:23 -0700, Sep Kamvar wrote:

    > Hi Jamie,
    > I'd love it if somebody were to make a screensaver.
    > One way to do this is to, write a script that each day downloads the
    > montages:
    > the pattern is:
    > http://www.wefeelfine.org/data/images/2006/12/05/*montage.jpg
    > And then make a screensaver that cycles through the montages that have
    > been
    > downloaded. As far as I know, there are screensavers that will take a
    > group
    > of images and will make a screensaver that cycles through them.
    > Let me know if you end up making one. I'd love one for myself :)
    > Sep
    > On 12/28/06, Jamie Martin wrote:
    >> This would be an amazing amazing screensaver, has there been anybody
    >> who's
    >> tried to do that?
    >> I have a program that will use a URL as a screensaver but when I put in
    >> http://www.wefeelfine.org/wefeelfine_pc.html it doesn't work because it
    >> says "please click to activate this control" within the applet.
    >> Any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks. :)

    so yes, if you or and of your programming friends have any ideas tha'd be cool.

    otherwise go enjoy www.wefeelfine.org, it's neat

    edit: submitted to digg, if you wouldn't mind digging this, i think maybe we could get help with that kind of exposure, thanks! :]

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1016395.html

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