While My Hard Drive Gently Weeps

    Date: 01/06/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I've got a bit of a problem with my four-year-old computer.
    My second hard drive (the 120-gig data drive) is randomly spinning down and back up while the machine is on. I believe this to be a serious fault, indicating that it's about to fail for good, so I've turned the machine off and will be keeping it off until I've found a way to fix this problem or I've got another computer to put the drive in so I can off-load my gigabytes of music, pictures, TV shows, and nonsense.

    If any of you guys have had this happen before and can suggest a temporary stopgap so that I can keep on using my system, please let me know. I've heard about putting a drive in the freezer to cool it down and shrink the platters, but I'm not sure that would work since this seems to be a problem with the mechanisms that move the platters and not the platters themselves.

    Cross-posted to:
    '[info]'veazey21, '[info]'computergeeks, '[info]'compgeekz

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1019486.html

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