Building a PC

    Date: 01/26/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: programming

    This'll be the first time I've built a computer from scratch and I'm just looking for a bit of advice regarding hardware compatibility. My computer's main purpose will be for gaming, but I'll be doing a fair amount of programming on there too.

    Motherboard: Asustek AM2 nForce 590 SLI ATX 8 ch Audio 2xLan W/Less LAN
    Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200 AM2
    Graphics Card: XFX GeForce 8800GTX 768MB DDR3 PCIE Dual DVI TVo
    PSU: Corsair Powersupply 620W Black, ATX/EPS, 120mm Fan, 8xSATA, SLI
    RAM: Corsair TWIN2X 8500 DDR2, 1024MB CL5 Kit w/two matched 512MB PC8500 dimm's x 2 (2GB RAM)
    Hard Drives: Western Digital Caviar RE2 500GB S300 16MB x 2 (1 TB)

    I already have the Motherboard and Processor, and once I have built the PC I will be looking at buying the same graphics card again and some more RAM (might as well take advantage of the board's capabilities). The only thing is I really don't know very much regarding power supplies, and after looking around for information, it seems the 620W supply I'm after would be more than adequate. Is that right?

    I hear this board is a little fussy with memory (especially Crucial) and seeing as the Corsair memory I have chosen isn't yet on Asus' qualified vendor's list I hope I'm not taking too much of a risk.

    Anyway, any thoughts or suggestions are completely welcome. Thanks :)


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