Importing into Outlook2003 CANNOT be this difficult..

    Date: 01/31/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I'm about ready to track down Bill Gates and (this part censored to protect both parties.) Anyways I'm trying to import part of an excel spreadsheet into my outlook contacts so that I can do a mail merge for a mass mailing. I tried defining fields in the spreadsheet and then specifying on the import, but that didn't work. It basically gave every "category" its own personal entry. Some how I got it to work with CSV, but I'm not sure what I did for it to do so, and I don't think I should HAVE to convert to that format, since all these Office programs are supposed to work so well together. Yeah, I went there. ;p
    Can ANYONE help me with this? There has to be a simple way to do an import into Outlook from Excel that isn't so g*ddamn difficult and requiring me to fix data.


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