
    Date: 02/12/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software, web

    Fellow geeks, the time has come to upgrade my dusty, worn out and quasi combustible dell inspiron 8600 lappy. I've been reading reviews and forums for about 3 months now trying to decide which notebook is best for me.

    Short description of it's uses:

    I am a full time Graphic Designer (Daytime work for a software dev. co. in GUI dept. , Freelance Designer/Web Designer by night) I have a powerful machine at work and a soon to be updated machine at home. I need something in between and something I can carry with me everyday. Powerful enough to do the usual Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign/Dreamweaver/Visual Studio and maybe some light Unreal Tournament/Quake III i'm not looking for a gaming rig but if I can run some older FPS on it to kill some time at lunch... that would be lovely.
    Size (and weight) Matters! I've been luggin' this 9+ lb lappy for far too long!

    These are my choices so far (Mac's are not an option, not looking for a flame war with fan boys just... not my thing):

    Asus W7j   VS   Asus A8j

    I'd love to hear any input.


    P.S. I will not be running vista, will stick to XP Pro/ Suse dual boot.


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