One last time..

    Date: 02/19/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: ebay

    I figured since I bugged y'all twice asking for advice on what I should do regarding a new computer that I should at least throw out there what I ended up with.

    Plus it gives me a chance to thank y'all one more time.

    I ended up getting a Dell through eBay.  I'm sure Dell will get a few groans, but I'm on a pretty strict budget and it fit that budget, so..

    Here are a few of the specs of what I ended up with (and what I was going to order straight from Dell):

    AMD Athlon 64 x2 3800+ (AMD Athlon 64 3200+)
    2 GB ram (1 GB ram)
    160 GB HD (80 GB HD)
    Integrated nVidia 6150LE (256 MB nVidia GeForce 7300LE TurboCache)
    2 yr warranty (1 yr warranty)
    Both have Vista Premium

    So aside from the video card everything is an upgrade, and from what I've been able to gather that should be sufficient enough for what I'm planning to do, anyway.  If worst comes to worst I can look into upgrading it later on, also.

    Price wise, the one I ended up getting wound up around $50 - $100 cheaper.

    So again, thanks for all your help.


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