AWS Pro free for today only

    Date: 02/26/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: php, web

    The pro version of AWS is being given away today

    I have been using versions of this program for years, and I can attest that it does work to improve overall system performance. It tweaks various settings on your system (will give you a list so you know what's being done before you do it) pretty much in a one-button operation.

    The effects vary from setup to setup, the most dramatic one I have experienced is the performance increase on the dual processor PIII server board based machine I have. Unreal Tournament 2004 was crawling on the high settings I gave it before running the free edition of AWS. Framerates increased quite a lot afterwards. Basically the program detects sub-optimal settings in your registry.

    Oh yeah, I don't work for any of these websites/programmers/whatever. I just really like this program, used it on all of my computers, and want to share.


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