Microsoft Office and PDAs

    Date: 03/01/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: web, microsoft

    Ok, so I need to get my hands on Microsoft Office.

    I'm a student so student discounts are viable.

    Where would be the cheapest place to get it?

    I've got a trial of Office Pro 2003 pre-loaded on my new system, so I guess upgrading to Office Pro 2007 would be the way to go..?


    Also, I'm looking into picking up a PDA.. I've got my eyes set on an HP Ipaq H4350. It seems to fit what I'd be looking for. My biggest concern is that it may not be compatible with Vista and/or my online school's website. (Particularly the Word and Acrobat files)

    Anyone have any input on this device and/or it's possible compatibility (problems)?

    Thanks again..


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