My #@#$% CD drive doesn't work

    Date: 03/02/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I have both a CD and a DVD drive installed on my desktop, and the CD drive has never worked for as long as I can remember. It used to work for a while a few years ago, but it suddenly stopped working some day, and I never bothered to fix it, because the DVD-RW was working so well. I decided to fulfill my new year's resolution today and start caring about the non-working CD drive and ran some diagnostics on it. The conclusion is kind of puzzling. It's working properly, according to my system manager; computer recognizes it and can even tell me its manufacturer (SAMSUNG CD-ROM SC-148), but be that as it may it still does not play.

    I use Windows XP and ran the Windows Troubleshooting wizard several times, followed the recommendations and uninstalled the drive, reinstalled it, and so on. No difference. My CD-ROM has a bit of an attitude problem. Does anyone know a good way to make stubborn CD drives cooperate?

    Secondly, and on a side note, it seems I have a superfluous G drive installed on my computer. I had never noticed this before, but it's there. So, aside from the A:, D:, E:, and F:, there is a G:. It's not a removable drive, and it doesn't show up on the hardware manager, and that's puzzling, as well. I don't know if someone can tell me how I can get rid of it....)


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