Windows Vista 64-bit support

    Date: 03/04/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: virus

    I have to get a new laptop for my aunt. I noticed that Vista is 64-bit ready, and apparently it is done better than XP 64, but I'm still confused on some things. If I go to HP and customize a laptop that has a Turion 64-bit processor with Vista, will that have the 64-bit version of Vista installed? Is there a spot in the installation or setup of Vista that says "Choose which version you want to run" or does it automatically detect it and therefore go with that configuration? Also, if it DOES run Vista 64, will I run into issues installing various programs like anti-virus (AVG or whatever free solution I can find), ZoneAlarm, or Open Office? Sorry but I know little to nothing about Vista, and since my MSDN membership ran out, I have been unable to get a copy of Vista to play around with.


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