5.1 question.

    Date: 03/10/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    UPD: Thnx everybody, Foobar2000 rules ^_^
    Hello, fellow geeks!!! Maybe you can help me...
    I have internal soundcard that supports 5.1 sound. I connected my 5.1 system toit. In games and 5.1 movies everything is perfect, but here comes trouble: all my mp3 (and 99% of all other world's mp3) are in stereo. Is there any plugin for winamp that can solve this problem (emulate 5.1 or smth) Or is there any decoder, that transforms 2 channel music to 5.1 (I can't imagine such a thing, but who knows...)
    Thank you so much ^_^

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1048480.html

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