OS X10.4 on bw G3?

    Date: 03/14/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software

    I recently acquired an old b&w G3 codenamed Yosemite and would like to install OS X. It has the 400 MHz proc., 40g hard drive and 256m of ram and fire wire. I updated the os to 9.2.2 and updated the firmware. Originally I was using a back-up copy of Tiger but discovered that the computer did not have a DVD drive. I put in an extra I had that of course did not have the apple firmware built into it. I got an apple drive that was broken. Finally get a working apple DVD drive and the machine will not boot from the disc. If you boot from the hard drive you can browse the disc and see that it is indeed a Tiger install disc. I tried an external USB DVD drive and got similar results. I tried to set the startup disk to both of devices and tried to double click on the installer which will also restart the computer. I get the error about unable to find hardware device and it won’t reboot to that device.

    I got a new iMac and attempted to try target disk mode over fire wire. The G3 would not boot into target disk mode. Everything I read online says the Yosemite supports target disk mode. The iMac was an Intel machine so I’m not sure if that was part of the issue.

    I finally broke down and got my own copy of Tiger. It will boot the machine and come up as if it were going to install OS X but then throws up an alert and says this software cannot be installed on this machine.

    I tried installing it with xpostfacto4 but it won’t open on 9.2.2 saying it cannot find the appropriate program to open.

    I’ve read about taking an image of the install disc and putting it on an extended fire wire hard drive, but I don’t have access to as external fire wire hard drive and I’d hate to purchase one if it is just another futile attempt.

    I read that apple says the b&w G3 will only run OS X 10.2 but I was unable to confirm that from Apple's site. And I don’t want to have to buy another copy of OS X if it also will be futile.

    Any suggestions or pointers to what I may be missing would be much appreciated.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1049933.html

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