RSS feed into personal LJ?

    Date: 03/29/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: rss

    Does anyone know of a solution whereby I can have an RSS feed of another blog I write automatically feed into my personal LJ?

    I know how to create a syndicated LJ account, but what I'd really like is to have all posts on this other blog come into my personal LJ via the RSS feed. Even better would be if I could also have the import set a tag and/or apply a custom filter, but that might be asking too much.

    I'm prepared to run an external tool to have this happen, if necessary.

    Anyone clueful?

    EDIT: Yes, I know there are solutions for Wordpress. I am not running Wordpress. I'm running a custom blog system that exports as RSS 2.0 - I'd like something exactly like the Wordpress solutions that uses, instead, RSS as the input. I'll end up writing it myself if I have to, but if I want it, I suspect someone else has wanted it, too, and might have already done it.


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