Secure email

    Date: 04/13/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: browser, asp, security, spyware

    I've been using Gmail for a while now. I know a lot of people are less than thrilled with their security. My email is slowly becoming a life line and more and more important information is going through my email so I figure this is the time to do some serious looking. My question is 2 fold.

    1. What are some opinions on the security of Gmail and should I consider jumping?
    2. If I should jump, where should I look to jump into? Pay for email? How much and where?

    I tried doing some quick research on secure pay e-mail sites but didn't come up with a whole lot, so I thought I would look for suggestions and opinions.


    While I'm at it, why not ask 2?

    How good is AVG Free and is it worth paying to upgrade to something else? And if upgrading is suggest, what should I upgrade to? Whether it be just AV, an internet suite, spyware, etc. I've been looking pretty hard at Kaspersky, but I don't know..

    I'm a safe browser and I don't run in to many, if any problems.

    Just not sure how good a free AV can be, y'know?



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