Code 42: Camera and PC not communicating

    Date: 05/03/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    My computer and camera seem to have issues with each other. I have a Canon Rebel XT and a PC who don't want to talk to each other. I do take the pictures in RAW, so that might be it, but the strange part is the computer can see some of the pictures, just not all. From this last batch, it was able to see 20 of the pictures. There are 134 it didn't see. I tried installing all the Canon utilities, but still nothing. I also tried the Adobe Photo Downloader, which doesn't help, either.

    I also tried it on my bf's PC, and it does the same thing. However, my iBook can see each and every picture, with iPhoto. I'd use it to import the photos, but it's quickly running out of disc space, which means I have to transfer the pictures off the laptop and delete them. I'd really like to not have to go through that!

    Also, the PC can see the pictures once they're transferred from the iBook.

    Is there something that my PC needs to be able to read the CF card?

    x-posted to '[info]'ubergeeks


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