Some Internet Sites Are Timing Out, But Not All--So What's Their Problem?

    Date: 05/05/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I have an interesting thing going on here.

    I'm trying to access, and it keeps timing out on me since yesterday. At first I thought the problem was a temporary server downage, but I was able to access it smoothly at work earlier today, and still can't from my home computer. This problem would be puzzling enough if it were contained to just one site. However, another site,, just entered the growing list of sites that are timing out on me. Now it's beyond puzzling, and downright frustrating.

    I'm asking your help in understanding at whose door the blame falls: at my ISP's or at some remote server that relays both of these sites. And if it's the remote server's fault, then what do I do about it? Do I just sit quietly and wait for things to get back to normal? Why is this not happening at my work computer? So many questions.

    I'm gonna call my ISP tomorrow and act all angry at them about the bad service, but I'd like to figure out some good reasons to raise my voice at the poor customer rep, and then not end up feeling like a fool if it's not their fault to begin with.

    Any response will be greatly appreciated.


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