Computer Woes

    Date: 05/09/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I built Wendy a computer two years ago, and it looks like I finally get to see a computer that I build die.

    It started with weird video lockups, complete with a dark screen and diagonal colored stripes. After that, we'd get some random reboots. I ended up pulling the GeForce 6800 out of her computer and putting in an ATI All-in-Wonder and it pretty much chilled it out, but we're not happy with the video quality in WoW and DDO.

    The problem is that she has an AGP motherboard. If we're going to get a new video card, it's going to require the purchase of a new motherboard unless we want to keep buying archaic computer pieces. With the new mobo, we're probably going to have to purchase a new processor as well. I think she's driving 929 and I'm probably going to end up going AM2 to keep her up to date.

    The worst part is that it MIGHT just be the power supply. I'm going to stick some multimeter leads in there later, but I'm not a professional and don't really know everything to look for. The motherboard reports that we're getting 11.85 volts off the 12 volt supply, but I can't help but wonder if that's dropping when the video card and all kick in there.

    The other option is just to go ahead and get her a new mobo/cpu/video card combo. I don't want to spend a mint on a video card, so I'm thinking a Geforce 7600 or thereabouts. For the motherboard, I don't need much. I'm thinking an Asus board with a AMD 64x2 4600+. All-in-all, that would only be about 350 bucks, but if it ends up being the power supply, I've ordered a bunch of hardware for nuthin.

    Any recommendations?


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