Do you know PDAs??? Help me choose one!

    Date: 05/21/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I'm in the market for a PDA and want to throw my line out and see what others think.

    What I need it for:

    Work, mostly, during which I'll carry it with me throughout my day; I'm out and about 80% of my work day and need a way to organize my resources for quick reference and to gather information as I collect it, minute by minute, if necessary;
    An important feature I would use quite a bit is handwritten notes, graffiti, so it's important that whatever PDA I end up with be exceptional here;
    I'll also be accessing files (word office) several times a day and checking the calendar several times a day (but, as I understand it, the calendar is pretty basic across the board).

    I need it to be dependable (I don't have time to reboot and I definitely CANNOT afford to lose info if it freezes or dies);
    I need it to be easy to use (my work is very fast paced and I'm getting this PDA to speed things up, not slow me down);
    I need its battery to last 10 hours with moderate use;

    Anything else I'm forgetting?
    Currently, I'm leaning towards the Palm Tungsten E2.

    Thanks for any input or advice.


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