Network Connection Problem

    Date: 06/02/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Ok this is a slightly long story. Ok i have two computers, one of them is the host and it is connected to the internet [we shall call this computer 1] the other computer [we shall call this computer 2] used to have a network connection to computer 1 so that it could share files and access the internet. however, a few days ago, computer 2 decided to stuff up so i went and installed windows again [it was my only option]. so now i'm trying to make the network connection between the two computers so that i will have internet access on computer 2. HOWEVER, i cannot make the connection since on the network setup it says "the wizard cannot find the network hardware". But on computer 1 it says it can find the hardware.

    This is very strange, since i have not moved any of the cables,etc. And i've tried removing and then plugging in the cord [im not sure what the technical term is =(] which connects both computers, but it still cannot find it.

    Please help. that computer needs internet .


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