Modem or Router

    Date: 06/08/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I'm having a problem with my wireless internet, whenever i try to download something it stops halfway through, or if i try to play a game like FF11 it d/c's frequently. My only guess is that the wireless is timing out on a regular basis, but it's only noticeable if you're downloading or playing a game that needs a constant connection. I use Verizon Dsl, Westell 6100 modem, Linksys BEF1164 ( i think thats the model). I'm not sure it's the modem or the router thats causing the problem though. When i plug the modem directly to the computer, the internet connection is somewhat slow, but i can download and play videgames without any trouble. I'm not sure if the router is causing the problem, i updated the firmware etc etc, as it was a suggestion in another community, but i'm still d/c.  Has this ever happened to anyone? Is it the router or the modem or something entirely different causing the d/c.


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