Opera Mini Beta 4

    Date: 06/23/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: cms, browser, web, ebay

    I am writing this from Opera Mini beta 4, and so far so good! There are a few things that can be worked on, I would love to see the feeds on here (and podcasting would be a dream) but the load time and render time are both faster, as well as the virtual mouse and zoomout providing a better overall web experience.

    Already, with version 3, I could do eBay, my banking, and administer my cms, but now it seems to do even better. It seems to render margins in webpages now, and has visual effects on a BB, but no skinning on the beta makes my eyes hurt from too much light! I am glad that I can have my 3.1.7 (don't ask me how I got that version when only 3.1.2 is available for dl, even I am not sure...) alongside the beta 4, so no real loss having it, and I can get the best of both. For any wondering if they should try the beta, I say go for it:

    For the beta:

    For the stable:

    Go to it on your phone, nextels need a data cable to grab it, if you have a tmo unlimited data, especially with a blackberry, it is invaluable. As for tech savvyness, what can be better than a real browser on your phone?

    Of course, it cannot be used with verizon last I looked, but who would want to?

    And last, to mention the price: free as in beer, from the fine people wo brought you Opera Browser!

    X-posted to my own journal

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1082974.html

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