8600GT somewhat underwhelms, 8500GT not worth bothering

    Date: 06/27/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: html

    3DMark06 8500GT and 8600GT scores

    My Radeon X1900GT score (non-overclocked, everything stock. 4816 3D Marks, if the link doesn't work)

    When I saw it, I was surprised. Considering how high 8800 cards scores, the 8600GT scores are pretty horrid. It'd have to overclock to beat out my X1900GT. This is not to mention that my CPU was running slower than the test rig on the review site (2.66GHz versus 3GHz overclock on theirs)

    Man. It's like an 8600GT would be a downgrade for me.

    Even for the 8600GTS, it looks like I might be able to live without it too since the difference isn't quantum leap:

    This leaves the 8800GTS, which costs a whole lot more.

    Things just don't look heart-attack exciting from where I am right now.

    I won't even talk about the 8500GT.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1084890.html

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