Overlapping text in Firefox 2.0.x

    Date: 07/01/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: html, web

    Recently I have notices a rather annoying "feature" of Firefox 2. When going to certain websites the text that is around a link or title is overlapping and rendered quite unreadable. For example, when I go to Wikipedia normally I see this but when I log into my profile, which is using the "Nostalgia" skin, I see this. If memory serves me, I remember something similar to this happening in the earlier versions of Firefox that I had used (ver 1.0.x), but that was a problem with tables if I remember right, not with links/titles. I have found some information about this here, which appears to be similar, but that problem appears to be with displaying things in tables. This does not happen when I log into IE7. This only happens on certain pages, which taking the Wikipedia example, makes me think it is with some sort of html coding (though I'm not sure as to what plus if it is improper coding, Wikipedia seems to be a rather popular page to have bad coding). If anyone has any suggestions/fixes, I'll be happy to hear it. I almost forgot as well, some pages have text that you can't display because it is off the end of the page. Even making the screen bigger of maximizing doesn't help.

    Oh yes, i'm running Firefox 2.0.4 now, which I just upgraded from 2.0.2. After the upgrade it did the same thing. I also tried turning off the "linkification" plug-in, and turning off Greasemonkey. Neither worked.

    P.S. This problem also crops up when I view a preview of this entry.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1085488.html

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