Keeping up with the Gates.

    Date: 07/20/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I was curious about the latest stuff I can get for a computer. Normally, I start at the low end and upgrade as I go along. However, I have been aware that the latest stats are different from what I remember. Here is what I wish to know:

    I saw hard drives with up to 500 gigabytes of space. I also recall seeing some that were faster than 7200 RPM. What's the latest?

    I want to look into sound and video cards. What's out there now? What do I look for when buying either?

    I want a CD Rom and a DVD Rom. What are the speed and other stats to look for?

    I'm aware that that there are at least two different types of RAM cards/chips. How do I know which are right for my computer and what is the recommended minimum size for today's computer?

    I'm sorry if I'm asking too much, but I felt it wouldn't hurt.


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