Mp3 Codec/Vista

    Date: 07/23/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: web, microsoft

    Crossposted: My apologies to those who have to see me twice.

    So I'm sitting here with a new computer (Vista from Dell) and a new phone (RAZR) and I wanted to create my own ring tone from some mp3s I have to put on my phone.

    Seems simple enough.

    But I continue to get an error with this multimedia studio from Motorola when it comes to saving the file.

    This is what I receive if I just try to transfer the file to the phone.
    Melody Studio
    Unsupported format
    (mp3 codec may be inappropriate or missing)

    This is what I receive if I try to save the file to my HD.

    Melody Studio
    Failed to create file

    So, it seems that there's not an mp3 encoder installed, which is also what Motorola's website states for this particular error.

    But how the heck do I get it loaded?

    I'm normally very handy on computers but for the life of me I can't figure out where to get one nor how to make it work.  I attempted to download Audacity and LAME a few months ago when I went through all this but I couldn't seem to get that to do what I wanted.  I've searched Microsoft and can't seem to find a way to do this through them.  So, here I am.

    Thanks in advance for any help.


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