Internet Radio Software

    Date: 07/25/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software

    Does anyone have any recommendations for software to create Internet radio shows?

    I suppose I'm looking for something that can take a huge library of MP3 files, let me queue them up as if they were in multiple CD players, trigger them at the right time, fade them in/out, mix them, mix in microphone input, external inputs, sound bytes, drops, and the like.

    I spent 9 years working on-air in radio, but that was in the 80's and early 90's when we had 2-track cart machines and a big mixing board.

    Anything that simulates this on a PC and can either stream the output to a sound card or, better, an OGG or MP3 stream and/or record to hard drive in real time, for a 3-hour show?

    I suspect anyone who knows of software to do this knows exactly what I'm asking for...


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