CD-ROM/DVD-ROM Drive not showing up on My Computer

    Date: 07/27/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    My laptop's DVD-ROM/CD-ROM drive is not working. When i go to My Computer my DVD-ROM/CD-ROM drive is not shown there. So when i play a DVD or insert a CD it won't work.

    A long time ago it used to work when i went to device manager and did the scan for hardware changes. The DVD-ROM/CD-ROM drive icon showed up in My Computer. But now when i do that it won't show up at all. Usually when you turn on the computer the DVD-ROM/CD-ROM drive is automatically there with the C-Drive, Floppy Disk etc...

    Summing it up my DVD-ROM/CD-ROM drive disppeared/is missing on 'My Computer' folder. Its not shown there.

    Does anyone know how to fix this? How to get my dvd-rom/cd-rom drive to work? How to get it back? Please help. thanks


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