PCI Card for Watching Cable TV on Computer

    Date: 08/09/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Setting up the network this weekend:

    I've got Windows XP on my desktop, and will be using my iBook G4 on the wireless network (don't think that matters, but hey - TMI is better than not enough!). I've just ordered cable to be installed (no box required), but really want to get rid of my TV and use my 22" desktop monitor as a TV instead.

    What is the best/easiest/cheapest way of setting up my computer to do double duty as my TV? I think it's a PCI card (plus remote, 'cause I'm lazy), something like this:


    Of course, I wanted to check with my resident experts to see if they have better suggestions. I'm not a true geek, so my experience tends to be more simple stuff (like setting up the wireless router).


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1095841.html

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