Evil Windows

    Date: 08/10/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: browser, virus, web, linux, yahoo

    I am a Linux man. I am familiar with most Linux's. I enjoy Linux and understand the filesystem layout etc.
    Unfortunetly geing the Junior tech I sometimes have to be the computer whooping boy. So, when a Windows luser decides to install the latest virus on his laptop, I have to figure it out.
    Unfortunetly I've been out of the Windows world for so long, I am challenged by this latest problem.
    The CD rom is busted (firmware I think). It's a laptop, so no disk access. And now recently the web browser won't work. When I say won't work, I mean that the system pings www.yahoo.com, but the web browser (ie and FF) say that Unable to Connect.
    Windows Firewall is on, off, it doesn't matter.
    This is XP with sp2.
    Oh btw, NOD32 said it does/did have a virus but I can't pull it up again.

    So my question is, what is causing the browser to not be able to pull up pages.

    Any help is appreciated. thx

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1096690.html

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