Computer Majors?

    Date: 08/22/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hey Everyone,
    This one is strictly directed towards computer PROFESSIONALS.
    I've got an associates degree generals and right now I'm a health care semi-professional. I've been wanting to go into computers since I was about 8 but everyone ALWAYS tells me there's no way you stand a chance unless you're a 4.0+ graduate from Harvard or if you live in India. Now I know that the outsourcing is only half true and theres still some jobs out there.

    But would you as a current professional recommend someone majoring in Computers?

    If so, what would you really suggest majoring in?
    Also, I have a few months off before I start back in college in the spring (I hate taking fall semester) and I was thinking perhaps I should get certified in some specialization. Would you recommend taking this step or is it truly a waste and not even looked at? Also, if so, what certification would you recommend?

    I really want to go into computers but I'm not sure if it's a fool's dream.

    Also, what do you recommend as a specific major?


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