Looking for good site to find which songs are explicit

    Date: 08/25/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    So this may not be DIRECTLY related to computers and geeks, but I am the Manager of a Computer Parts store and we have streaming music to our overhead speakers, about 25,000 songs or so in our collection. I know you can go to Amazon or whatever and see what ALBUMS have explicit lyrics, but I would really like a track by track rundown, because a LOT of the artists we like have one or two explicit tracks and the rest do not have F bombs and whatnot. Why should we not be able to play, say, Nine Inch Nails "Fragile" because two or three tracks have swear words?

    So if you know of a site that has track by track "explicit" markers, or a program that can look at the collection and come back with which ones are explicit, i would much appreciate it.

    As it stands, I usually play 80's pop just to avoid F bombs

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1100737.html

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