This is driving me batty!

    Date: 08/28/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software, google

    I have a problem with Windows Media Player 11. It was working the way I wanted it to all of twenty minutes ago, and now it's borked.

    This is how I want it to look:

    See how when the library is on Album view, the albums just display as images and aren't grouped into any category (alphabetically or otherwise)?

    Mine is doing this all of a sudden:

    I want the stupid groupings gone. I have so little music on this computer that the groupings just take up a ton of extra space. Can I make them go away? I'm 99% sure when I opened WMP11 this afternoon, it wasn't grouping them like can I get it back?

    I've googled to no avail.

    And please don't tell me that "your problem is that you're using Windows Media Player". I'm not asking for alternative media management software. I'd like to know how to fix the software I'm using.

    Thanks in advance.


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