Question about installing a video game.

    Date: 09/29/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I recently got a new computer. I had Madden Football game on it and an MVP Baseball game on my old one. I had the person just transfer everything over. The football game transferred over no problem, but the baseball game didn't work. He suggested I uninstall and reinstall it. When doing that, I discovered that I am having trouble installing the game. It takes two disks to install it fully. The first one works great, but when it comes time to take out the first disk and put in the second one, that's where the problem starts. It doesn't appear as if my computer can even FIND the second disk. It just sits there and does NOTHING. Why would the first disk work and not the second?

    PS: I just realized I may have used the wrong spelling of "disk" in this entry. My bad. :)

    PPS: I have XP HOME, Intel Core 2 Duo processor, and 1 GIG of RAM.


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