For Hiring Managers..or anyone that does the hiring

    Date: 09/30/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

     I have a question for all the hiring managers out there...

    I had an interview the other day for a position that would eventually open alot of doors for me. I interviewed with the IT Manager of the company. Anyway, she asked me alot of the typically questions and of course that pertain to the job itself. She was happy to hear every answer I gave to her questions, she kept saying things like "That is great" and "That is what I want to hear". It seems like we had a great rapport going. Talking about different off-topic things also. She said right then and there, she does wanted to bring me in for a 2nd interview to meet with the other managers.  I really felt a positive vibe going in my favor.

    My question is basically, these are all good things about the comments she made, or is that pretty typical of people saying that in interviews??

    I reeeeeeeeeally want this job.


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