Dell Latitude D600

    Date: 10/01/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    This seems like a really stupid question, but apparently Dell can't answer it, so I'm coming to a higher authority- computer geeks.

    I decided to burn a DVD tonight on this Dell Latitude D600's burner, but the burner, instead of having an enpty space in the middle like every other DVD drive I've ever seen, has a brown plastic spindle. The spindle is too large in diameter to fit through the hole in either the CD or the DVD blanks I have. I could understand a spindle that held the disk on a laptop, but this doesn't seem to do that. I am perplexed. Has some part of this drive been lost or does it take some other type of disk? I've tried a TDK DVD+ and a CD-R in it.

    Thanks. I can't even find decent pictures of what it should look like.


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