Have Your Say About The Banning Of Manhunt 2 In Britain!

    Date: 10/09/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I'm sure that lots of people have been disappointed by the BBFC's decision to ban manhunt 2 from being sold in Britain.

    Anyone that has been affected by this decision, or is simply annoyed by this, have your say by emailing the BBFC. I received a quick reply from them, so don't hesitate to contact them addressing your concerns.

    You will hopefully email them if you don't like being treated like a baby, and think that adults should have the right ot make their own decisions. I emphasised this point in my emails to them.

    The email address is: contact_the_bbfc@bbfc.co.uk

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1115836.html

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