editor/browser thing

    Date: 04/02/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: browser, html, linux

    Hi. I wonder if someone could tell me what applications exist for a(n un)certain set of uses. I dig through shareware now and then, but maybe I've missed it and maybe the right tools cost a bit of money.

    I want a program that:

    1. Edits Text. Don't care that much about formatting. (if it does markup text, I'd prefer it to store as HTML)

    2. has a file browser docked into the application. I'd really like this to be navigable with simple arrow keys in Lynx style (which might not have saved Lynx, but it's Midnight Commander's best feature).

    3. runs quickly on older machines. The features I'm listing aren't very heavy.

    4. has mouse functionality to the extreme. Mouse gestures would be ideal. Have the wheel do something intelligent at the very least.

    5. can quickly go through the files in a directory. Next file/prev file buttons.

    So it's more useful as a browser/viewer than an editor, but can do both. I'd listen to a solution or partial solution regardless of the operating system, though Windows and Linux are what I use.

    And I've tailored something in VB6 that does this much, plus it's a pretty handy picture viewer. It works alright, but I'd like to know what else exists. I can make an installer available if anyone else has had similar frustrations.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/650928.html

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