Gateway Solo 1450 reinstall

    Date: 10/16/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I am attempting to format my Gateway Solo 1450 with a clean install of XP Home in preparation for its new home.

    I have tried to use Seagate's Seatools DOS to format the computer's hard drive but Seatools does not recognize the hard drive (20 gig Parallel ATA).

    So I figured I would just use the restore cd that came with the computer but I cannot get the computer to boot to cd-rom. This happened when I tried the Seatools on cd as well but I just figured it was because it was an older computer and I just loaded it on a 3.5 floppy instead.

    The boot sequence is configured to boot to cd, then floppy then hard drive.

    Any ideas what is going on here?

    Its a cd-burner/dvd player combo drive. I don't know what type exactly since its been a while since I've bought this computer and its never been my main computer.

    How can I clear off this computer?


    (I have access to XP Pro but I'd have to get my hands on it, its my father's)


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