Starting MS in Information Systems

    Date: 11/01/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: programming, java

    Question for all programmers out there, in January I'm starting my MS in Information Systems. This is not a programming intensive major, but I intend on picking up a few languages along the way and I'd like to continue to upkeep them afterwards. The majority of programming in this degree will be spent in JAVA (I intend on learning PERL, Python, and probably some combination of the M$ languages [C#, VB.NET, etc.]). Anyway, to get to my question.

    I don't want to do development on my machine, I'd rather run it all on a sandbox, and I have the space to have another machine running nearby. What would your recommendations be on specs on said machine, OS, memory req's, etc? I have my own feelings and I'll respond in comments when a few people have responded.


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