Noob Computer Memory Question

    Date: 11/21/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Memory Details:
    Total No. of Slots: 2 (Currently One slot in use)
    Installed RAM: 247 MB
    Maximum RAM: 1024 MB
    Front Side Bus: 400 MHZ
    Details of memory already installed on your computer:
    Memory Size Memory Type Memory Speed Dimm Type Dimm Type Detail
    DIMM_1 256 MB DIMM 266 MHZ SDRAM Synchronous

    Does this mean if I swap out the memory, I can have 1 gig in each slot for a total of 2 gigs, or 512 in each slot, for a total of 1 gig? What happens if I get more memory - does the computer just ignore it, or is it actively bad to have more than the recognized amount in there?

    The memory looks to be an old type, SDRAM - does that mean that DDR isn't compatible?

    Edit: Running a Dell Dimension 2400, with XP.  Crucial's matching page gave me the following specs as compatible, which is why I'm a bit confused - isn't DDR incompatible with SDRAM;

    1GB, 184-pin DIMM, DDR PC2700 memory module


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