Regarding the Intel Core 2 Duo E6700 line, along with some other questions about CPUs

    Date: 11/29/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Well, it's upgrade season, and with my aging Athlon 64 3700+ is hitting retirement.

    To begin with, I've been looking at these two Intel products:

    The E6750 and the E6700

    Aside from the FSB, what differs between the two chips? Does the E6700's performance justify the price tag over the E6750? I've been looking at Newegg and my usual review sites. Though I see a lot of positive reviews for the E6700, I really didn't hear much about the other CPU... is that cause for concern?

    While I'm on the subject of CPUs, I've been looking at some budget CPUs, looking at the Intel Core 2 Duo E4500 and an Athlon X2 5600+. Now, I really don't have brand loyalty, so to say, and I'm just looking for the best performance for my gaming buck. I'm just looking for some advice, and possibly for some first hand experiences with either of the products above. I haven't built a system in the past 3 years, and I'm grossly behind on my tech-knowledge. I've been hitting some sites for some Build Guides in order to stretch my dollars, and any help in the matter will be greatly appreciated :)


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